Monday, 5 November 2012

Calypso Hurricane Janet

Janet, ah beg you hard
Janet not Trinidad
Janet, ah beg you hard
Janet not Trinidad
You blow way the whole of Grenada
Same fate, the Barbadians suffer
Every day you read the “Evening News”
Enough to make a man jump out of his shoes

Janet hide in the mountain
Janet lick down a million building
Janet’s sister was Katie
Janet blow way the whole ah Miami

They had a misprint, they publish there
They said Janet had silky hair
About six foot the paper state
September 28
But when Janet visit Grenada
Nothing was standing in the area
She blow down the place like a pasture
And all we reading on the monkey papers here


In St. Vincent I was afraid
So help me I was afraid
Ah hear she blow up a concrete well
And it fell down on the Town Hall
When Janet start to ramajay
If you see how St. Vincentian break away
And all we reading down here on the paper
Katie will move Janet from the area

Mexico was bitterly
Damaged Lord have mercy
Women and children were left out to roam
Janet destroy their home
Death was their only companion
And so they died from starvation
May the souls departed rest in peace
Thank heavens this Janet business cease

And so she died in the mountains
And leave them repairing house and kitchen
Janet sister was Katie
Janet blow way the whole of Miami