Dear Friends,
If you live in Victoria, you have a unique opportunity to have a real impact on national politics in this by-election. This election is a race between the Greens and the NDP. The other parties have no chance of winning.
If Murray Rankin wins, nothing will change in Ottawa. Murray is a good man, but if he goes to Ottawa he will be just another NDP MP who, like his fellow NDP MP's, gets a daily memo from Tom Mulcair telling him what he is allowed to say.
Anyone following what is going on in Ottawa cannot have failed to notice that although she is all alone in Parliament, and has no more office space or resources than any other back bench MP, Elizabeth May is providing much more effective opposition than all the other opposition parties put together - even though she barely has room for the desks of the eager and able researchers in her overcrowded office.
It was Elizabeth May who raised the cry against the omnibus budget bill(s) and strategized and organized the cross party opposition to them. It was Elizabeth who single-handedly raised the alarm about the China "free trade" deal. It was Elizabeth who worked with Conservative MP's from the Okanagen to save the Saanich Agricultural Research Centre, by reminding them that they didn't want the agricultural pathogens the Centre researches introduced into the Okanagen. That was a good example of how she works outside the box with PEOPLE to get RESULTS.
Electing Donald Galloway will send a shock wave to Ottawa. It will be the political news of the year. It will double the resources that Elizabeth has to fight Stephen Harper — including the office space.
While living in Victoria, Donald Galloway has already been working with Elizabeth analyzing proposed legislation, including Harper's assault on the civil rights of refugee children. Working together in Ottawa they will be a formidable force.
But Donald will remain his own man because unlike all the other party leaders, Elizabeth has sworn that she will never impose party discipline on Green MPs or tell them what to think or say.
Just yesterday, Murray Dobbin, long time NDP stalwart, asked "Is the NDP becoming Liberal Lite?" He wrote that Mulcair and the NDP have made "a complete about-face on so-called “free trade” deals. Instead of highlighting three incredibly destructive investment agreements currently in the news they panicked – ending their commitment to get out of NAFTA, calling on the WTO to re-launch global trade talks and urging Harper to sign deals with India, Brazil and South Africa... That Mulcair would back off the NDP’s historic position on these odious corporate rights deals demonstrates how vulnerable the party is to feeling obliged to move in the direction of being a second Liberal Party."
I haven't said much about Donald Galloway so far. You know he's very smart - he's a tenured law professor - but you may not know that he is also a very authentic human being and an EXCELLENT LISTENER. How many politicians (besides Elizabeth) can you say that about?
But don't take it from me. Please take 3 minutes to hear what Elizabeth May has to say about Donald Galloway, and why it is so important to elect him to Parliament at