Friday, 14 December 2012

innovative Section Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM)

I have the pleasure to most warmly invite you to publish in the EPMA Journal.

I have launched the innovative Section Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM) 

Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in PPPM Section edited by Paolo Roberti di Sarsina

* This section provides a platform for scientific publications demonstrating how ?Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM)? can enrich the paradigm of Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine.
* Evidence-based TCAM scientific approaches should demonstrate high levels of person centred and participatory medicine, functional links between TCAM, predictive diagnostics, targeted prevention and individualised treatments in healthcare education and clinical practice.
* Topics should explore tailoring care by investigating and treating the person as a physical, psychological and spiritual unicum living in dynamic interaction with nature and society.
* Individualising the therapeutic process by renewing the caregiver-person relationship with trust, compassion and respect for personal choices.
* Exploring innovative research methods to evaluate TCAM and other salutogenetic interventions as a form of preventive medicine empowering communities and individuals.

Hoping of some interest for you here is the link to Traditional, complementary and alternative medical systems and their contribution to personalisation, prediction and prevention in medicine---person-centred medicine which is the inaugural open-access article of the section