Monday, 3 December 2012

multi-billion dollar web of law firms involved in investor-state arbitration

The more we learn about the Canada-China investors deal, FIPA, the more concerning it becomes. Jamie and Emma just published some research we've been working on for the last few weeks. It reveals a multi-billion dollar web of law firms involved in investor-state arbitration - the mechanism by which China's companies could sue Canadian governments in secret tribunals under FIPA.

Many of those same lawyers are commenting publicly, telling us not to worry about FIPA. And, in the media's efforts to appear balanced, they're giving significant weight to these pro-FIPA voices. What isn't made clear to readers is these experts' apparent personal financial interests in FIPA passing, because of the millions of dollars in business FIPA could create for their firms.

We need to make sure Canadians know that these pro-FIPA "experts" are far from neutral -- please share this article right now:

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With hope and respect,
Matthew on behalf of the Leadnow team