Monday, 14 January 2013

Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Annual Meeting Student Scholarships

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 03:38 AM PST
Call for Applications: Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Annual Meeting Student Scholarships
The Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Annual Meeting will be held on June 25-26 immediately following AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting (ARM) in Baltimore. Ten student scholarships will be awarded to attend both meetings, including travel support and a presentation opportunity.
Public Health Systems Research (PHSR) is a field of inquiry examining the organization, financing, performance, and impact of health systems -- defined as the constellation of governmental and non-governmental actors that influence population health, including health care providers, insurers, purchasers, public health agencies, community-based organizations, and entities that operate outside the traditional sphere of health care.
The student scholarships will recognize graduate students who demonstrate potential to contribute to the field of PHSR through promising research. The scholarship program is intended to highlight the diversity of research interests that broadly constitute PHSR, which is unified in its focus on population health. The National Research Agenda provides examples of information needs and research questions in the areas of workforce; organization and structure; finance; and technology, data, and methods. For the 2013 meeting, the PHSR IG is especially interested in selecting student work that investigates the public health systems' contribution to population health outcomes, including timely research related to the transforming health system.
Scholarship recipients will receive $1,500 to be put toward registration and travel to attend the ARM and the PHSR IG Annual Meeting. Students will have an opportunity to present their research during the PHSR IG Meeting's poster session, and will compete for an Outstanding Student Poster Award. Masters or doctoral students engaged in research that shows potential to advance our understanding of public health systems are encouraged to apply.
Application Guidelines:
To be considered for this scholarship, students must be enrolled in a masters or doctoral program and engaged in promising research. The Deadline for applications is March 1, 2013. To apply, students must submit the following:
A completed 2013 Student Scholarship Form. Applicants must paste answers to these questions into the form:
What are your career goals? How can attendance at the ARM and PHSR IG Meetings benefit the pursuit of your career goals?)
An abstract for a poster to be presented at the PHSR Interest Group Meeting. (This research may be in-progress.)
A letter of recommendation from a faculty member or research project director.
The selection committee will judge applicants based on the following criteria:
Quality and relevance of research
Potential to contribute to the field of PHSR and to inform population health improvement efforts
Support of faculty member or research project director
Instructions for Submitting Applications:
The online form must be completed by March 1, 2013
The abstract must be pasted into the online form. It should include the following sections: Research Objective, Study Design, Population, Findings, Conclusion, and Implications. The abstract is limited to 500 words, starting the word count with the Research Objective section.
Faculty/research director recommendations must be emailed (directly from the faculty/research director) to by March 1, 2013.