Monday, 18 February 2013

Herbal Collective - Hawthorn

Welcome to the Herbal Collective. We're pleased to have you. It's been an incredibly wet week here on the West Coast. But spring is around the corner, so don't lose heart. Speaking of heart, that's the topic for this newsletter. Read on for more Hawthorn for the Heart Many people suffer from heart disease and associated disorders such as high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. There's an herb well know by those in the herbal community for the heart but not so much by the general public. This herb is hawthorn and it has a great reputation for healing the heart. Hawthorn has many attributes and ways of improving the heart. We cover some information on hawthorn and another herb for the heart in the current Feb/March'13 issue of the Herbal Collective, now available at no cost online. Hawthorn is also our Herb of the Month for February. Each month we pick a different herb and help you, our readers, learn more about applying herbs to your life. To get more in-depth information on hawthorn and learn how it helps congestive heart failure, heart disease and high blood pressure, go to Herbguide.