Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Edo period and Japan's fables provide a model for a sustainable Japan Authored by Cheryl Lans

Project Summary

The Edo period and Japan's fables provide a model for a sustainable Japan Authored by Cheryl Lans
List Price: $3.65
8" x 10" (20.32 x 25.4 cm)
Black & White on White paper
66 pages
Lans Cheryl
ISBN-13: 978-0988085237
ISBN-10: 0988085232
BISAC: Business & Economics / Strategic Planning
The good society for Japan may consist of emulating the Edo period. This was a creative, self-sufficient period in Japanese history and the population at that time was approximately 30 million. A reduction in population should alleviate environmental concerns and reduce the possible negative effects of climate change. Many traditional folk tales of Japan such as ‘The Tongue-Cut Sparrow’, ‘The Farmer and The Badger’, ‘The Adventures of Kintaro, the Golden Boy’, ‘The Bamboo-Cutter and the Moon-Child’, ‘The Mirror of Matsuyama’ and several others describe parents with one or no children. While some of these parents were disappointed with their fate, they all lived interesting lives that are still transmitted from generation to generation. One of the few mothers with many children was the evil Yuki-onna who remained beautiful in middle age because she was not human. Japan has a very high population density and fewer people would provide more space for gardens, wildlife and agriculture. Japan should increase the labor force participation of women, which would mean having a more flexible workplace but not exploitative labor practices. Child and elder care could be combined at special facilities since old people often love to tell stories. Older children could form apprenticeship relationships with these older adults and engage in hands-on activities that pass on cultural traditions or indigenous knowledge. Men should be encouraged to take parental leave and work shorter hours. Japan has already existing, but underused public buildings, museums and concert halls that could be used in the provision of this cultural training. There are many articles in the US and UK media that encourage higher fertility, more immigration, increased retirement age and reduced public pension benefits as a way to solve the increased demand for pension support. In reality these suggestions come from conservative policy makers who do not want to pay higher taxes and have kept much of their profits overseas to the detriment of their own fellow citizens. Japanese companies should be encouraged to work together to hire more workers who could buy their goods and to pay higher salaries. Japanese capitalism has a history of loyalty between the employee and employer that kept poverty levels low. Japanese culture also treats the elderly with respect. Japan should spend more money on education and pensions and less money on large-scale construction projects. Japan can save money by shortening the time frame before more alternative energy projects become viable.
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