Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Roles in Chronic Pain Management & Research

Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
Roles in Chronic Pain Management & Research

Wednesday, May 8, 2013
New Orleans, LA
This preconference symposium, which will take place just prior to the American Pain Society’s 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, will raise awareness of approaches and challenges for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) researchers and discuss possible clinical applications for health care professionals.  The challenges and opportunities associated with current CAM research as it relates to chronic pain management in the field of medicine will be addressed. A primary goal of the conference is to encourage collaborations among pain clinicians and researchers in CAM practice and research.
Registration for this symposium is required.  This symposium is not included with registration for the American Pain Society’s 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting. See conference registration and fees for more information