Monday, 25 March 2013

ProOrganic want you to call the White House

From Frederick Ravid, Author: "Tell Obama To Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto:" Please CALL the White House at (202) 456-1111 anytime after 9am Eastern MONDAY 3/25/13 (tomorrow) and say:

"This is __(name)______ , a registered voter from __(city, state)_________. I am calling with an urgent request that President Obama strike Section 735 from the 2013 Continuing Resolution. The rider defeats our country's constitutionally guaranteed Separation of Powers between the Legislature and the Courts, by prohibiting the Courts from exercising their role regarding USDA Regulation and the nation's food safety. Please remove this harmful rider. Thank you."

The 2013 Continuing Resolution is now on the President's desk awaiting signature. It contains a rider we strongly oppose, and Mr. Obama CAN prevent from becoming law. With a groundswell of public outcry, it's far easier for us to persuade the President. Please do your part NOW. Don't delay - the bill is awaiting the President's signature.

Send me an email to - Let me know you got this!


Frederick Ravid
petition author Tell Obama To Cease FDA Ties To Monsanto