Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Healing people Healing horses

Healing People Changing Your Energy Field Each body system, including the whole body, has a very unique field with different frequencies, wavelengths and colours, resulting in a "pattern" known as the aura. Each field is so unique that it can be considered a "fingerprint", in that no two energy fields look alike. Not only is each body system and organ surrounded by an energy field, but the particles and photons of which those parts are composed each vibrate at their own specific frequency. In fact, this is what creates all matter: the vibration and frequency of billions of energy fields. The frequency of vibration determines the identity of the substance and its shape, form, mass and colour. That's right - all matter, whether it is a physical body, a tree, a rock, a tomato, a table or a telephone is nothing more than a group of vibrating particles held together by light and intention. Therefore, setting any kind of intention or new belief system initiates change by feeding your energy field with new information which then alters the frequencies of the vibration. This is also how the energy field shifts when healers use heart-based or energy work practices. Then so long as you change your belief systems the healing is permanent. If you are suffering with a challenging health problem learn The Marijke Method - book or video. The Marijke Method "The Marijke Method" Consultations & Services SEMINAR & WORKSHOP Riva's Ranch - Armstrong, B.C. Friday, June 21st, 2013 Healing Animals with Nutrition & Natural Medicine Riva's Remedies Herbs Join Marijke for an informative day of healing animals (horses, dogs and cats) with therapeutic nutrition and natural medicine including diet, nutrition, herbs, homeopathic remedies and flower essences. Learn more... Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Kava 2011 Marijke & AmosSophie facing left An absolute must for all animal lovers and those who want to experience their healing journey with the help and love of their animal friends. This is accomplished through intuitive animal communications and journeying through the world of the spirit... Learn more... Registration Form HORSE HEALTH PRACTITIONERS TWO DAY SEMINAR & WORKSHOP September 06 and 07, 2013 - Red Deer, Alberta Day 1: An informative seminar focusing on healing horses with diet, therapeutic nutrition, herbs, homeopathy and specialized nutrients. Learn to prevent and treat allergies, immune disorders, skin problems, cribbing, ulcers, parasites, metabolic syndrome, laminitis and more... Power point presentations, case studies, interactive discussions and success cases. Day 2: A day of practical instruction learning how to apply "The Marijke Method" - a four step method of kinesiology to determine the underlying cause(s) of the health problem(s) by assessing organ health, body system function and individual nutrition and remedy requirements to correct and restore health and wellness. Find Out More... Registration Form http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1103595147369-310/Healing+Animals+with+Nutrition+&+Natural+Medicine.pdf