Thursday, 4 July 2013

Organic Consumers Association ‘O No’ You Don’t, Safeway

‘O No’ You Don’t, Safeway


Organic Consumers Association

TAKE ACTION: Just Say ‘O No!’ to Safeway’s O Organics™ Brand!

Nope. You’re not fooling us, Safeway, with your O Organics™ brand products. We know you’d love to cash in on the growing market for organics, but you’ll have to do it without us. Why? Because you run with a bad crowd.
That’s right. Safeway is a dues-paying member of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), that slimy trade group that donated $2 million last year to kill Proposition 37, the California initiative to label GMOs. The grocery chain also recently gave $472,500 to the campaign that wants to defeat a similar initiative, I-522 in Washington State. What’s more, Safeway won’t join the more than 4,000 supermarkets in the U.S. that have pledged to refuse to sell genetically engineered seafood if the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approves it.
It’s time to take to the phones, facebook pages and twitter accounts and tell Safeway: We won’t buy your O Organics products until you pull out of the GMA, make a donation to the I-522 GMO labeling campaign in Washington, and pledge not to sell genetically engineered seafood in your stores.
TAKE ACTION: Just Say ‘O No!’ to Safeway’s O Organics™ Brand!
Download your wallet-sized boycott guide

Download a poster-sized boycott guide

Sign the boycott pledge

Order printed copies of the boycott guide or poster