Wednesday, 2 October 2013

ABC book - Native American Medicinal Plants: An Ethnobotanical Dictionary

This week's featured book is Native American Medicinal Plants: An Ethnobotanical Dictionary written by Daniel E. Moerman, published in 2009.

Adapted from Moerman's Native American Ethnobotany, this book describes the medicinal uses of more than 2,700 plants by 218 Native American tribes. It includes 82 categories of medicinal uses such as analgesics, contraceptives, gastrointestinal aids, hypotensive medicines, sedatives, and toothache remedies.

Extensive indexes are arranged by tribe, usage, and plant common name, making it easy to access the wealth of information in this detailed text. Softcover, 800 pages.

Remember that ABC members get 10% off the retail price when logged in to the
online bookstore before ordering. Looking for the International Store? You can find it here.;jsessionid=47CA9CA252475372FA6012798C4940F3.app253b?VIEW_DEFAULT=true&store_id=1241&autologin=true