Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Multidisciplinary Training in Gender, Sexuality, and Health

Multidisciplinary Training in Gender, Sexuality, and Health
The Department of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health will offer at least one and possibly two Predoctoral Fellowships in Gender, Sexuality and Health to PhD applicants entering in the fall of 2014.
 This fellowship is funded by a training grant award from the National Institute of Child Health and Development, Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch.  Fellowships cover tuition and stipend and include monies for professional meeting travel and academic supplies.  Funding is guaranteed up to five years (although students will be encouraged to seek outside funding for their dissertation research). 
Applicants must apply to and be accepted by the Department of Sociomedical Sciences before a training fellowship can be offered.
 For further information about the fellowship program, contact:
Peter Messeri
Professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences

Andrea Constancio
Academic Program Coordinator
Department of Sociomedical Sciences

 Prospective applicants may also wish to consult the Columbia University websites of the disciplinary departments in which they are primarily interested.