Monday, 15 September 2014

Utilization and Traditional Knowledge of Ethno- Veterinary Medicinal Plants in Tehri District of Garhwal Himalaya, India

Utilization and Traditional Knowledge of Ethno- Veterinary Medicinal Plants in Tehri District of Garhwal Himalaya, India

01/2013; 462:2051-426300.
ABSTRACT A survey for documentation of ethno-veterinary medicinal plants used by the farmer community to cure animal diseases in Tehri District of Garhwal Himalaya. Two Gram Sabha viz. Tokoli and Quali and three villages under each Gram sabha were randomly selected for the study. Ethno-veterinary information was gathered through individual interviews and personal observations among the farmer community. A total of 35 species of ethno-veterinary medicinal plants belongs to 26 families and 34 genera were recorded in the study with the help of ethno-veterinary traditional healers. These 35 medicinal plant species were dominated by herbaceous flora and were used to cure almost 30 different diseases. Leaves were dominant part of the plant used to cure different livestock diseases. Traditional healers relay on visual, audio and tactile senses to establish a diagnosis and on rare occasions the diagnosis failed and cause death of animal in acute pain. The result of the present study highlighted that the knowledge on medicinal plants for the animal treatment is deteriorating day by day, so the efforts should be taken for the conservation of these medicinal plants as well as the traditional knowledge.