Thursday, 30 October 2014

Avaaz petition against pipelines

Dear friends,

Harper’s government is tearing up Canada to serve the interests of Big Oil. But a new bill gives us a chance to stop the slow destruction of Canada's environment. Click now to tell our MPs to vote for the people they serve and choose people over pipelines:

Our pipeline-loving government is tearing up the country to pump dirty tar from the heart of Alberta all around the world. We elect our politicians to represent us, not Big Oil -- and now we have a real chance to finally make them stand for people over pipelines.

Harper’s latest project would ram an 1,177 km oil pipeline from Alberta straight through the heart of BC’s Great Bear Rainforest, to be sent overseas for refining. But a new bill in Parliament would ban the dangerous mega-tankers needed to do it, sinking this reckless plan before it sets sail -- and we know exactly how to get it passed.

When 50,000 people sign on, we’ll run a massive ad campaign in western ridings that face the greatest risk -- and that might hold the key to the next Canadian election. The message to these MPs will be clear: people over pipelines. Vote for the people you serve, or you will lose your job.

13 Conservative votes are needed to pass the bill and stop Harper’s slow destruction of Canada’s environment. And with the people of BC and Alberta standing up against pipeline politics, insiders say that this issue might turn the next election, leaving western Tory MPs between a rock and a hard place -- and giving us the chance to have them vote for the bill or explain why they’re putting the party and the oil barons ahead of the people that elected them. 

Enbridge insists that their Northern Gateway pipeline will be safe, but their pipes have spilled over 800 times in the last decade alone. And with Harper’s approval, the BC coast is about to see 220 monstrous tankers weave their way through a minefield of islands and inlets every year. Pipelines leak and tankers crash and when they do, they catastrophically and irreversibly destroy the environment -- and put us all at risk. 

Click now to take back our voice, and tell our politicians it’s time they represent us, not mega-rich foreign oil interests: it’s people over pipelines:

This won’t be easy -- Harper stopped listening to Canadians a long time ago. But with their jobs on the line, these MPs could change course and rescue their people, our country, and our planet from ecological destruction. Our movement has never been stronger - let’s take action.

With hope,

Danny, Emma, Ari, Ricken, Melanie and the whole Avaaz team

NDP Bill Would Ban Tankers off BC's North Coast (The Tyee) 

5 things to know about today’s Northern Gateway oil pipeline decision (Toronto Star)  

Enbridge staff ignored warnings in Kalamazoo River spill (CBC)