Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Sierra Club post Bee-ware: Bayer is back with a new neonic

Bee-ware: Bayer is back with a new neonic

Flupyradifurone is a new neonicotinoid pesticide from Bayer. That’s right, another one!
Here is what Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has to say about it:
“Flupyradifurone may pose a risk to bees, non-target beneficial arthropods, and freshwater and saltwater invertebrates when used for foliar application. Flupyradifurone may pose a risk to birds and small wild mammals when used for soybean seed treatment.”
Flupyradifurone can enter the environment through a number of different insecticide applications covering a large number of ‘pests’ in a variety of crops. It can also enter groundwater and the aquatic environment through surface run-off.
Flupyradifurone can be applied as a foliar spray, as a soil drench and as a seed treatment, and can persist in the environment through “carry-over” from one growing season to the next.
CBC’s Quirks & Quarks’ recent program on neonics featured an interview with Dr. Christy Morrissey of the University of Saskatchewan. Her work is relevant because it recently revealed persistence of neonicotinoids in agricultural areas, and linked them to impacts on birds.


Health Canada’s PMRA is accepting comments on Flupyradifurone until November 1st.
Do you think Flupyradifurone should be allowed on the market?
  • YES
  • NO
  • https://secure.sierraclub.ca/node/1544#jump
We have drafted an email you can submit or edit and make your own. This is your opportunity to help keep Flupyradifurone off the market!
Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement. We really appreciate when you send us your comments.

John Bennett, National Program Director
Sierra Club Canada Foundation
1510-1 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
John on Twitter / Bennett Blog

P.S. -- After you submit your email you will be directed to a #SaveTheBees contribution page. Please make a small contribution if you can. We rely on your support to continue our important work protecting the birds and the bees.