Wednesday, 8 October 2014

University of Nottingham School of Pharmacy Hosting Independent Research Fellows

Research Fellowships - Various Topics

Posted on 08 Jul 2014
United Kingdom, Nottingham

Hosting Independent Research Fellows

The University of Nottingham School of Pharmacy offers an excellent research environment with outstanding facilities to support multidisciplinary activities across a number of areas.  These include molecular and cellular sciences, structural biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, biophysics, metabolomics, drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, drug delivery, nanoscience, and social research in health and medicine.
To strengthen and expand our research portfolio, we intend to support a number of outstanding candidates through the Fellowship application process each year at early, mid or advanced career level. We have an open call for high calibre scientists seeking appropriate host laboratories to support their fellowship applications in research areas that align with or complement our current portfolio.
 Areas of strategic importance currently include:
  • Biophysics, with particular interest in protein and cellular analysis.
  • Molecular and cellular sciences including, gene regulation, RNA biology, chromatin & cancer, drug discovery, immune modulation, omics technologies and bioinformatics. 
  • Medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and structural biology. 
  • Drug delivery, 'systems-based' pharmaceutics and tissue engineering. 
  • Health economics and economic evaluation, particularly decision-analytic modelling in medicines safety and patient adherence, evaluating complex interventions, pharmacoepidemiology and use of large databases, and the role of pharmacy in public health. 
  • Innovation in Pharmacy education.
  • Pharmacognosy and pharmacology of natural products.
In the first instance, candidates should provide a detailed CV and a brief (non-confidential) outline of their proposed research via the APPLY button.  Successful Fellows would be eligible for additional support from the School through pump priming funds. For suitable candidates we will be able to help with identification of appropriate fellowship schemes, and offer mentoring and administrative support. Unfortunately, due to the volume of enquiries we will not be able to reply to unsuitable applications or those which do not provide sufficient detail to assess their merit.