Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Comparison of effect of nicotine and levamisole and ivermectin on mortality of leech

Comparison of effect of nicotine and levamisole and ivermectin on mortality of leech

Volume 4, Supplement 1, 2014, Pages S477–S480Objective

To study the effect of different doses of nicotine on Limnatis in comparison with levamisole and ivermectin.


In this interventional experimental study in July 2012, the amount of 61 mature leeches of Limnatis niloticaspecies were collected and anti-parasitic effects of drug treatments using anti-leech method were assessed. So that, a leech was placed in the dishes with 600 mL spring water and leech's paralysis and death time were recorded accurately for 720 min. A total of 9 replicates were considered for each treatment. Six drug treatments were considered. Pharmacological treatments include nicotine (5, 10 and 20 mg doses), levamisole (10 mg), ivermectin (10 mg) and distilled water. Data were analyzed using the Sigma ASA 2 software and pair t-test method with less than 0.05 confidence levels.


The results of present study show that doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg of nicotine, with time average of 2.44±0.52, 1.88±0.78 and 1.55±0.72 min cause to death of leeches. Ivermectin and levamisole cause to death of leeches, averaging 7.44±1.12 and 14.66±5.09 min, respectively. Distilled water treatment has been reported as an ineffective group. Data analysis showed that the group receiving 5 mg nicotine, had minimum time of death and there are statistical differences among all groups (P>0.05), but there are not significant differences between treatments receiving 10 mg nicotine, with 5 and 20 mg nicotine treatments.


It appears that nicotine compound as the effective substance of tobacco plant has the strong anti-leech effect on Limnatis nilotica species and can be used as leech purposes in the future.


  • Leech
  • Limnatis nilotica
  • Nicotine
  • Levamisole
  • Ivermectine
Available online 28 Jan 2014
Foundation Project: Supported by Food and Beverage Safety Research Center of Urmia University of Medical Sciences(Grant no. 126454/654).
Peer reviewer: Dr. Hassan hassanzadazar, PhD of food hygiene, food control expert of food and drug deputy, Urmia university of medical science, Urmia, Iran. Tel. +989144412026, Fax. +984413455839, E-mail.
Comments: This research is a good study in which the authors evaluated anti-leech effects of nicotine on L. nilotica. The results are notable and show that native plant had medical beneficity.
Corresponding author: Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani; Food and Beverages Safety Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran; Tel: 0984412772023