Monday, 22 December 2014

Herbal Products in Animal Health and Nutrition 28 April - 3 May, Turkey

Welcome to HERBAN 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the 2nd HERBAN Symposium - Herbal Products in Animal Health and Nutrition - to be held in Izmir, Turkey from April 28 to May 2, 2015.

Recent years have not only witnessed a remarkable development in veterinary phytotherapy, but also in the use of herbal extracts and essential oils as functional feed additives. Apart from flavouring additives, also zootechnicals are more and more used, and in several regions a science based revival of ethnoveterinary knowledge is obvious. This trend have been observed worldwide and the number of  publications in the field is increasing significantly. For better communication, exchange of results and experiences and joint development of this very interesting and important research field with respect to animal welfare and health, and also to the safety of the food chain, 1st HERBAN Conference was organized in September 2011 at Antalya, Turkey.

In continuation of this successful Meeting, which has been a Milestone in this field, we invite you now to join the 2nd HERBAN Symposium. This will be held at Çeşme close to the City of Izmir in spring 2015. Izmir is the second largest town in Turkey on the shores of the Aegean Sea. She has been an important area in history being one of the significant ports of the Silk Road and home to many Aegean civilizations. Ancient towns Pergamon, Ephesus, Priene, Didyma, etc. are not far from the symposium venue. Izmir is also an important town for agroindustries and the most significant import-export sea gate of Turkey.

HERBAN will deal with a number of relevant topics presented by most reputed scientists in the field. In addition, the conference is open for your highly relevant contributions, to be presented either orally or as poster. We, therefore, would highly appreciate your participation and expect your earliest registration.

We look forward to welcome you to discuss the most recent developments in the field in this enchanting spot.
K. Hüsnü Can Başer and Chlodwig Franz