Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Silence of the Labs Screening and Discussion at SFU on January 15, 2015

Subject: Mark your calendars - Silence of the Labs Screening and Discussion January 15, 2015

"CBC’s the fifth estate spoke to scientists across the country who are concerned that Canadians will suffer if their elected leaders have to make policy decisions without the benefit of independent, fact-based science." (

The Centre for Coastal Science and Management in the Faculty of Environment at Simon Fraser University in partnership with Evidence for Democracy present a free public screening of the CBC documentary, Silence of the Labs followed by discussion.

Dr. Arne Mooers, Biological Sciences, SFU, will moderate a panel of respondents comprised of Dr. Craig Orr, Executive Director, Watershed Watch Salmon Society and others followed by open discussion.

Date:   January 15, 2015

Time:   7:00 pm

Place:  SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings, Vancouver, Room 1900

Cost:   Free but reservations are recommended as seating is limited


Laurie Wood, Coordinator
Centre for Coastal Science and Management Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Strand Hall Annex, Room 622 Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6
