Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Avaaz security bill post

Dear friends across Canada,

PM Harper wants to create a new law that would let spies get permission to break into our homes. But there's time to stop this Big Brother bill if we show our politicians we won't stand for it -- click now to take action:

They won’t be able to kill or harm us, or “violate our sexual integrity” -- but the Prime Minister just introduced a new anti-terrorism act that could let CSIS do just about anything else. Unless we make this Big Brother bill politically untouchable.

And worse, Stephen Harper is using the fear of terrorism to give our spy agency crazy new powers like letting them get secret warrants to break into our houses, copy or take documents, and even install monitoring devices. But we can still show him we wont let trumped up fears override our freedoms.

The Conservative and Liberal parties are planning to vote for the bill -- and the only way to stop it is to show them that Canadians value freedom more than fear. When 50,000 join we’ll build a non-partisan coalition of freedom-loving Canadians, and use every tactic in our toolbox to persuade MPs and Senators to split from their parties. Click now to join:


In 2006, PM Harper warned that “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it”, and now he’s making that promise come true. Under this bill, peaceful protests that break a law and challenge Canada’s economic stability -- possibly even protests against a tar sands pipeline -- could be considered terrorism. Harper’s poisonous fearmongering threatens our freedoms, but we can make this bill political poison to any MP supporting it.

Harper’s implied that the horrific attacks in Ottawa and St-Jean-sur-Richelieu make this bill necessary. But experts say that our security agencies already have the powers needed to stop terror attacks, and there’s no proven link between these lone killers and terrorist groups.
This is an election year, and analysts say that leaders who oppose this law risk being seen as soft on terror. If we can show our politicians that this isn’t true -- that our basic freedoms can not be traded for fear -- we can win. Click now to take action:


Prime Minister Harper is always telling us that we’re at war, and now he’s trying to turn this fear against us and trample on our rights. Our community is bigger than this fear. Let’s stand up to the government and show them that when it comes to our freedoms, Canadians stand united.

With hope,

Danny, Jo, Ari, Ricken, and the rest of the Avaaz team


Parliament must reject Harper’s secret policeman bill (Globe and Mail)

Anti-terror bill: Experts worry about sweeping powers for CSIS (Ottawa Citizen)

Security bill risks too much (Winnipeg Free Press)

Canada Seeks to Strengthen Spy Agency After Attacks (New York Times)