Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Wonder of Life (kalanchoe pinnata) leaves to treat diabetic foot infections in Trinidad & Tobago: a case control study

Cheryl, 2 of your publications were cited

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Comparison of plants used for skin and stomach problems in Trinidad and Tobago with Asian ethnomedicine.

Article: Comparison of plants used for skin and stomach problems in Trinidad and Tobago with Asian ...

Cited in 1 publication:

Assessing product adulteration in natural health products for laxative yielding plants, Cassia, Senna, and Chamaecrista, in Southern India using DNA barcoding.

Article: Assessing product adulteration in natural health products for laxative yielding plants, Ca...

Gopalakrishnan Saroja Seethapathy, Doss Ganesh, Jayanthinagar Urumarudappa Santhosh Kumar...
Deutsche Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin 11/2014


Int J Legal Med. 2014 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print]

Assessing product adulteration in natural health products for laxative yielding plants, Cassia, Senna, and Chamaecrista, in Southern India using DNA barcoding.


Medicinal plants such as Cassia, Senna, and Chamaecrista (belonging to the family Fabaceae) are well known for their laxative properties. They are extensively used within indigenous health care systems in India and several other countries. India exports over 5000 metric tonnes per year of these specific herbal products, and the demand for natural health product market is growing at approximately 10-15 % annually. The raw plant material used as active ingredients is almost exclusively sourced from wild populations. Consequently, it is widely suspected that the commercial herbal products claiming to contain these species may be adulterated or contaminated. In this study, we have attempted to assess product authentication and the extent of adulteration in the herbal trade of these species using DNA barcoding. Our method includes four common DNA barcode regions: ITS, matK, rbcL, and psbA-trnH. Analysis of market samples revealed considerable adulteration of herbal products: 50 % in the case of Senna auriculata, 37 % in Senna tora, and 8 % in Senna alexandrina. All herbal products containing Cassia fistula were authentic, while the species under the genus Chamaecrista were not in trade. Our results confirm the suspicion that there is rampant herbal product adulteration in Indian markets. DNA barcodes such as that demonstrated in this study could be effectively used as a regulatory tool to control the adulteration of herbal products and contribute to restoring quality assurance and consumer confidence in natural health products.

Ethnomedicines used in Trinidad and Tobago for urinary problems and diabetes mellitus.

Article: Ethnomedicines used in Trinidad and Tobago for urinary problems and diabetes mellitus.

Cited in 1 publication:

Wonder of Life (kalanchoe pinnata) leaves to treat diabetic foot infections in Trinidad & Tobago: a case control study.

Article: Wonder of Life (kalanchoe pinnata) leaves to treat diabetic foot infections in Trinidad & ...

Shamir O Cawich, Patrick Harnarayan, Steve Budhooram...
Tropical Doctor 07/2014

Trop Doct. 2014 Oct;44(4):209-13. doi: 10.1177/0049475514543656. Epub 2014 Jul 31.

Wonder of Life (kalanchoe pinnata) leaves to treat diabetic foot infections in Trinidad & Tobago: a case control study.


: Wonder of Life (kalanchoe pinnata) leaves are commonly used to treat diabetic foot infections. These patients are usually non-compliant with conventional medical therapy. We surmised that these patients would have a higher incidence of treatment failures. Patients admitted with diabetic foot infections were separated into two groups: a Study Group comprised patients who used topical kalanchoe pinnata and a Medical Therapy Group contained patients who were compliant with conventional treatment. The patients were observed over the course of their hospitalisation.


There were 382 patients in the Medical Therapy Group and 96 in the Study Group, who waited 9.21 ± 5.3 days (Mean ± SD) before seeking medical attention. There were similar rates of all amputations (34.8% vs. 37.5%; P = 0.643) and mortality (0.8% vs. 1.0%; P = 1.000) in the Study and Medical Therapy groups.


There may be value in the use of topical kalanchoe pinnata to treat diabetic foot infections.
© The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


Diabetes; amputation; infection; mortality; topical
[PubMed - in process]