Sunday, 29 March 2015

Call for Papers - The Centre of the Americas - an ethnopharmacology perspective

Call for Papers - The Centre of the Americas - an ethnopharmacology perspective

Considerable research efforts are going on investigating the ethnopharmacology of the central region of the Americas. With this issue we want to draw attention to the numerous research efforts on medicinal , toxic, health food and hallucinogenic plants from México, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama and other Central American, as well as Caribbean countries, all based in a region of great biodiversity. The Southern part is part of the Neotropis, while the North is covered in desert and semi-desert vegetation. The region has historically been the home of a large number of indigenous groups, and famously pre-Columbian cultures flourished in the Central Valleys. It is the only region in the Americas for which written documented knowledge is available for the period just after the conquest.  Research on hallucinogenic plants has drawn heavily on the knowledge of indigenous peoples in this region and many now classical studies were conducted in this region Today these indigenous groups are undergoing a fast and dramatic cultural chance.
A large number of studies have focused most notably on local / traditional plant use and on the phytochemistry of selected species. However, no comprehensive critical appraisal of the state of the art is available. With this special issue in the JEP we want to fill this gap.
We want to invite experts to contribute a MS on a topic of your choice related either to a taxon, its local / traditional uses, pharmacology and phytochemisty in the region or another topic. The deadline for submitting the MS is 30.09.15 and we plan to publish the SI in early 2016. We will accept both reviews and original articles. All MSs will be fully peer-reviewed and thus we cannot and do not want to guarantee that a specific MS will be accepted.
If you are interested in contribute with a MS please contact us and submit a short outline including an annotated table of contents, a structured abstract and a short CV of the lead author(s).
The editors of the Special Issue:
Prof. Adolfo Andrade Cetto
Lab, Etnofarmacologia
Facultad e Ciencias, UNAM México
Prof. Michael Heinrich
Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
UCL School of Pharmacy, Univ. London