Monday, 23 March 2015

Critical Moment: Sex/Gender Research at the Intersection of Culture, Brain, & Behavior WHEN: October 23-24, 2015 - WHERE: UCLA, Los Angeles, California

A Critical Moment: Sex/Gender Research at the Intersection of Culture, Brain, & Behavior
WHEN:     October 23-24, 2015  - Save the Date
WHERE:   UCLA, Los Angeles, California


Be there when many of the world’s leading scholars from the Humanities and Sciences discuss and debate issues at the intersection of sex/gender, culture, brain, and behavior.
Great minds. Thrilling discussions. New connections. It’s all happening this October 23-24, 2015 at UCLA. Join Us.

KEYNOTE:  Anne Fausto-Sterling, Brown University
The Maternal Mystique: Constructing the Biosocial Body at the Maternal-Fetal Interface * Sarah Richardson, Harvard University
Recent Discoveries and Opportunities for Improved Understanding of Sex-Biasing Biological Factors * Art Arnold, UCLA
A Life History Theory Perspective on Neural, Hormonal, and Genetic Correlates of Variation in Human Paternal Behavior * James Rilling, Emory University
An Evolutionary Perspective on Sexual Orientation, Same-Sex Attraction, and Affiliation * Daniel Fessler, UCLA
Social Neuroendocrinology and Gender/Sex: Asking Hormonal Questions with Social Construction and Evolution in their Answers * Sari van Anders, University of Michigan
Where Does Sexual Orientation Reside? * Lisa Diamond, University of Utah
Technology and Globalization: Emergent Intersections of Culture, Brain, and Behavior * Tom Boellstorff, UC Irvine
Early Androgen Exposure and Human Gender Development: Outcomes and Mechanisms * Melissa Hines, University of Cambridge
Male Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, and Emergent Masculinities in the Arab World * Marcia Inhorn, Yale University
Naturalizing Male Violence and Sexuality * Matthew Gutmann, Brown University
…More Titles Coming Soon!

Register Now – Our previous conferences sold out before the end of early registration!

EARLY REGISTRATION (Reduced Fees)  ENDS  June 30, 2015
             * Afterwards, LATE Registration with    Higher Fees

Mamie Wong, PhD
The Foundation for Psychocultural Research