Wednesday, 25 March 2015

New BioMed Central journal GigaScience

We are writing to let you know that open access journal GigaScience, is welcoming submissions to a new thematic series entitled "Data intensive science in ecology: reproducible science".
GigaScience Guest edited by an impressive line-up of ecology researchers Chris Lortie (University of York); Xin Zhou (BGI and China National Genebank-Shenzhen), Noah Lottig (University of Wisconsin, Madison); and Mark Schildhauer (University of California, Santa Barbara), this comprehensive and forward-looking series will serve to promote and improve data sharing and reproducibility in ecology science. See the full scope here.
We encourage the submission of Research Articles and Technical Notes, as well as Data Notes, which are papers that focus on the description of interesting datasets, curated and hosted in our database, GigaDB. We also consider thought-provoking Commentary and Reviews in this area.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ocean research
- Big synthesis indices such as the Ocean Health Index and environmental impact indices
- Biodiversity including eco-genomics and metabarcoding
- Eco open science community, including new tools, software to make sense of
big ecology data
- Macrosystems/Integrative ecology
- Limnology
- Terrestrial plant ecology
Please submit your manuscript using our online submission system and clearly state in your covering letter that it is intended for the "Data intensive science in ecology" thematic series.
To find out more about the series, please contact our Editorial Office.
Kind regards,
Dr Laurie Goodman, Editor-in-Chief
Dr Christopher Lortie, Guest Editor
Dr Xin Zhou, Guest Editor
Dr Noah R. Lottig, Guest Editor
Dr Mark Schildauer, Guest Editor

BioMed Central