Monday, 30 March 2015

Recent citations for Ethnoveterinary medicines used for horses in Trinidad and in British Columbia, Canada,5&sciodt=0,5&as_ylo=2014


Banana (Musa spp) from peel to pulp: Ethnopharmacology, source of bioactive compounds and its relevance for human health

A Pereira, M Maraschin - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2015 - Elsevier
Materials and methods A survey on the literature on banana (Musa spp, Musaceae)
covering its botanical classification and nomenclature, as well as the local and traditional
use of its pulp and peel was performed. Besides, the current state of art on banana fruit ...

Phytochemical analyses and effects of Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. and Alchemilla persica Rothm. in rat endometriosis model

EK Akkol, MA Demirel, OB Acıkara, I Süntar… - Archives of gynecology …, 2015 - Springer
Purpose The aim of the present study is to evaluate the treatment potential of Alchemilla
mollis (Buser) Rothm. and Alchemilla persica Rothm. in the experimentally induced
endometriosis model in rats. Methods Endometriosis was surgically induced in rats by ...

Ethnoveterinary practices among the tribal community of Malda district of West Bengal, India

MR Saha, D De Sarker, A Sen - Indian J Tradit Knowl, 2014 -
Abstract: Present study aimed at documenting and analyzing the ethnoveterinary practices
of domesticated animals and birds of Malda district of West Bengal in India. Successive field
surveys were conducted to assemble data from tribal practitioners by means of semi- ...

Ethnobotanical investigation of use of medicinal plants for obstetric and gynecological disorders in South Chungcheong Province

B Kim, JS Lee, BK Yim, JH Lee, S Lee… - 한국콘텐츠학회 ICCC …, 2014 -
The role of medicinal plants, both historically and in the present, has been to reduce pain
and other disease. In Korea, people have used medicinal plants from their surroundings
since ancient times. Inhabitants of British Columbia (Canada) and Trinidad (West Indies) ...

Ethnoveterinary plants used by the Chiru tribes of Manipur, Northeast India

R Rajkumari, RK Nirmala, PK Singh… - Indian Journal of …, 2014 -
Abstract: Cattle farming is one the most income generating occupation of the tribals of
Manipur, Northeast India. Chiru tribe of Manipur has been depending on cattle farming for
livelihood since long time back. This tribe of Manipur is repository of rich ethnoveterinary ...

[PDF] Ethno Veterinary Medicines Used by Tribes in Wayanad District, Kerala

DP AG, ST Benny, RM Puttaswamy - 2014 -
Abstract: Objective: Plant medicines were used by the tribes for curing the diseases of cattle
and other domestic animals. The paper describes the ethno veterinary medicines used by
the tribes in Mananthavady, Vythiri and Bathery taluks of Wayanad district, Kerala. ...

[HTML] Equine gastric ulcer syndrome: risk factors and therapeutic aspects

M Aranzalez, R José, GE Silveira Alves - Revista Colombiana de …, 2014 -
Summary The equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) involves a complex of diseases
associated with ulceration of the esophageal, stomach and duodenum mucosa of horses.
EGUS occurs frequently due to multiple and overlapping risk factors (activity, food ...