Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Request for proposals "Food Material that Improves the Quality of Sleep" deadline Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

Reminder: The deadline to submit Proposal Briefs for NineSigma RFP# 2279302, "Food Material that Improves the Quality of Sleep" is Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Please let me know if you are interested in responding but cannot provide a proposal by this date. This reminder does not represent a complete description of the project. A full description, associated documents, and discussion forum can be found on the RFP page of our NineSights community, accessible online at https://ninesights.ninesigma.com/rfps/-/rfp-portlet/rfpViewer/2793 (or click here to go directly to the web page).
If you have already submitted a proposal or have communicated your intentions, please disregard this message.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal or would like more information, you may post questions or comments online, or you may contact me by email.
To view all NineSigma RFPs as well as other needs from our clients, join NineSights - the NineSigma Open Innovation Community at http://www.ninesights.com/

T. Yanagawa
Program Manager
NineSigma, Inc.
23611 Chagrin Blvd., Ste. 320
Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5540
Visit our blog: http://www.ninesigma.com/blog