Thursday, 30 April 2015

Chapter 2 – Herbal Supplements or Herbs in Heart Disease: History, Herbal Foods, Coronary Heart Disease

Chapter 2 – Herbal Supplements or Herbs in Heart Disease: History, Herbal Foods, Coronary Heart Disease


Herbs are natural form of dry whole plants or their parts such as dry flower, root, oil, and stem. The number of cardioprotective herbal remedies and herbal science is at rise. Adverse effects of cardiovascular treatment are unavoidable serious statin side effects and need attention of federal and regulatory bodies to search alternate methods of cardiovascular prevention or herbal treatment. Herbal formula serves the purpose of alternative or combinatorial treatment as safe, cheap, and effective complementary and alternative medicine with no side effect. Coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease are major disorders of dyslipidemia or elevated lipids in blood to result with atherosclerosis and cardiac arrest. Biochemical mechanistic basis of changes in cardiovascular metabolites is described. New noninvasive herbal testing method is described based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and ex vivo magnetic resonance microscopy – histology correlation.
Keywords: Cardiac arrest; Coronary; Heart disease; Herbal, Herbs, Lipid