Friday, 29 May 2015

2013 Medicinal plants used for dermatological affections in Navarra and their pharmacological validation

Volume 149, Issue 2, 16 September 2013, Pages 533–542

Medicinal plants used for dermatological affections in Navarra and their pharmacological validation


Aim of the study

This paper provides significant ethnopharmacological information on plant used in dermatological affections in Navarra.

Material and methods

Information was collected using semi-structured ethnobotanical interviews with 667 informants (mean age 72; 55.47% women, 44.53% men) in 265 locations. In order to confirm the pharmacological validation of the uses reports, the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP), German Commission E, World Health Organization (WHO), European Medicines Agency (EMA), European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and Real Farmacopea Española (RFE) monographs have been revised. A literature review has been carried out with the plants without monograph and high frequency citations, using a new tool of the University of Navarra, UNIKA.


A total of 982 pharmaceutical uses are reported from the informants, belonging to 91 plants and 42 families, mainly represented by Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Crassulaceae. The most frequently used parts of the plants are aerial parts followed by leaves and inflorescences. Seventeen out of 91 plants (19%) and 148 of 982 popular uses (15%), have already been pharmacologically validated.


The authors propose seven species for their validation (Allium cepa, Sambucus nigra, Hylotelephium maximum, Chelidonium majus, Ficus carica, Allium sativum and Anagallis arvensis).

Graphical abstract

Full-size image (21 K)


  • Dermatology;
  • Experimental validation;
  • Traditional knowledge;
  • Ethnopharmacology;
  • Navarra
This manuscript is a etnopharmacological paper and no chemical compound appears.

Corresponding author: Tel.: +34948425600x806239; fax: +34948 425 740.