Friday, 1 May 2015

Merv Wilkinson's Wildwood Ecoforest south of Nanaimo BC (Letter is NOT attached)

We are a group of citizens who have formed out of concerned for the future
of Merv Wilkinson's Wildwood Ecoforest south of Nanaimo BC.  We hope you
will sign onto our letter to prevent Wildwood from being sold. (See
attached letter).

As you may be aware, The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) is proceeding with
plans to sell Wildwood to a private buyer, despite the fact that it was
purchased in full by public donations with the intention that TLC would
protect it forever.

To sell this property would contravene the community’s wish to protect this
legacy and, we believe, contravenes the Charitable Purposes Preservation

Would you be interested to sign your name to our letter to TLC?

We have also sent this letter to other forestry professionals, conservation
biologists, ecologists, university professors, citizen scientists,
advocates of wilderness preservation and environmental sustainability, as
well as members of TLC and donors to the campaign to purchase and protect

If you would like to sign on, please reply to this email with your name,
credentials, and/or name of organization/department.  Also include your
phone number in case we need to clarify anything with you.  Your contact
info will *not *be included in the letter.

Sale of Wildwood is imminent so we are asking for *replies by Friday May
1st.* If you need longer to reply on behalf of your organization, please
let us know.

We have included links to further information about the sale of Wildwood
below.   Please feel free to circulate to other individuals and
organizations you believe would be interested.  If you have any questions
feel free to contact us.


Glenys Wood  250 758-1287 (evenings )  and Erik Piikkila 250 924 5811
On behalf of the Wildwood Protectors citizens group

*PS.  Please note we may modify paragraph #2 of the letter slightly to more
accurately reflect who has signed onto the letter once we have your
replies.Links to Further Information:*Petition to Stop the Sale of Wildwood
from Wildwood Protectors

< >The
Land Conservancy of British Columbia website
<>and facebook page

Ecoforestry Institute Society website <> and Wildwood
Ecoforest facebook page.

Press release from TLC March 11, 2015

Press release from EIS  Feb 2015

Times Colonist Newspaper Article

Ecoforestry Institute Management Plan for Wildwood 2000

TLC Plan of Compromise and Arrangement (which states Wildwood will be sold
section 4.10 page 13)
<$File/Plan%20of%20%20Compromise%20&%20Arrangement%20%28Feb%2023,%202015%29.PDF?OpenElement >
<$File/Plan%20of%20%20Compromise%20%26%20Arrangement%20(Feb%2023,%202015).PDF?OpenElement >BC
Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks - Pamphlet on Ecosystems At Risk:
Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem