Sunday, 31 May 2015

PIH16 – Analysis Of Treatment Cost For Uterine Fibroids In Ukraine

Volume 18, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages A106

PIH16 – Analysis Of Treatment Cost For Uterine Fibroids In Ukraine




The Ispor Scientific Presentations Database

ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting
Philadelphia, PA, USA
May, 2015



Cost Studies (CS)

Cost of Treatment (CoT)


Piniazhko O1, Zalis'ka O1, Vernikovskyy I2, Gnatyshak L2, Got N3
1Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine, 2Lviv Regional Perinatal Center, Lviv, Ukraine, 3Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, Lviv, Ukraine
pdf availableView presentation

OBJECTIVES: Uterine fibroids (UF) are the most common benign gynecological tumors. Prevalence data range from 5% to 21% of adult women in reproductive age. Despite the progress in the development of modern effective drugs the primary treatment is still surgical interventions. At the same time, the trend in recent years of the increasing of the incidence of UF in younger women, expansion of childbearing age limits period necessitates the revision of management of UF. The aim of the study was to calculate the average cost of hormonal therapy of UF in Ukraine for a minimum period of 3 months, considering that the main aim of this therapy is to manage bleeding and pain symptoms and to provide pre-operative treatment of UF. METHODS: We analyzed the cost of treatment hormones per patient for course. We used the real data from medical records of patients who were treated in the Lviv Regional Perinatal Center and Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital in 2014. We have analyzed almost 300 stories diseases for 2014. We used the prices from Ukrainian database of Morion company (Kiev) on 01.01.2015 (1 USD =15,75 UAH). RESULTS: In Ukraine for the treatment of UF often are used these treatment hormonal schemes. We calculated the costs for course per patient in 3 months duration. The treatment costs are: mifepristone (tab.50 mg №30) – $184 (₴2895); goserelin acetate (implant 3,6 mg) – $419 (₴6600)/triptorelin (powder for susp. for injection 3,75 mg) – $571 (₴9000); ulipristal acetate (tab. 5 mg №28) – $595 (₴9375). CONCLUSIONS: Hormonal schemes of treatment are quite expensive for Ukrainian woman. In particular, the scheme of ulipristal is three times more expensive than the scheme with mifepristone. Almost all patients fully pay costs out-of-pocket. So implementation of health insurance and reimbursement policies of hormonal medicines is actual and on time in Ukraine.