Thursday, 28 May 2015

unless we move fast Sepp Blatter will get away with it, and begin his fifth term as FIFA president!

Dear Avaazers,

Swiss police just arrested 7 FIFA executives, giving hope to billions of people around the world who love football and hate corruption. But unless we move fast Sepp Blatter will get away with it, and begin his fifth term as FIFA president!
Under Blatter, FIFA scandals extend from bribery, ripping off FIFA host countries, and burying the ethics investigation he commissioned into vote rigging to award World Cups to Russia and Qatar! But this isn't just about football -- his FIFA has fostered corruption, abuse of workers’ rights, and the flattening of communities to erect stadiums in host countries.
Yesterday’s dawn raids is the best moment we've ever had to kick out Blatter and reclaim our game. But it won't happen without a massive outcry. Let’s create the world’s fastest-growing petition today, hit a million and then call on FIFA execs to kick him out when they vote in 24 hours. Sign and share this widely:

Football is by far the world’s most popular sport, and the scandalous way it is run has saddened armies of fans who want to see a clean contest on the field. A Transparency International poll out this week shows that four in five football fans don’t want Blatter to stand, and two thirds have lost confidence in FIFA to run the game.
The Swiss government arrested the FIFA bigwigs on suspicion of taking over $100 million in bribes and kickbacks in return for football media and marketing rights. The arrests follow a three year investigation by US prosecutors, who say that conspiracies to corrupt took place on US soil and using American banks. US officials are also investigating Sepp Blatter.
Let’s move fast to build a massive call to oust Blatter and get FIFA to push back its election until it has candidates who can drag the institution into the twenty-first century, free of corruption. Sign now and tell everyone:

At the beginning of this year the Avaaz community came together to stand up against the slave conditions of World Cup labourers in Qatar. Now we can come together to clean up football at the very heart of FIFA.

With hope,

Alex, Rowena, Alice, Rewan, Andrea, Ricken and the Avaaz team

More Information:

Fifa corruption charges: is this the beginning of the end for the house that Sepp Blatter built? (Guardian)
FIFA officials, including 2 VPs, arrested on corruption charges (CNN)

4 in 5 football fans say Blatter should not stand for FIFA President: Poll of 35,000 in 30 Countries (Transparency International)

Fifa corruption probe: Officials arrested in Zurich (BBC News)