Thursday, 25 June 2015

Vancouver action for jobs, justice and climat

Dear              ,
In July, corporate and political leaders from across North and South America are gathering in Toronto for a major international summit on the climate and the economy.
Powerful oil lobbyists know that international action on climate could thwart their plans for more tar sands, more pipelines, and more fracking -- and you can bet they’ll be working behind the scenes to block progress. If we want politicians to commit to real climate action, we need to make our voices louder than the big oil lobbyists.
On July 4th, our friends at are organizing We > Tarsands rallies across the country, calling for action for jobs, justice and climate. Together we can send a message that can’t be ignored.
WHAT: We > Tarsands: Action for Jobs, Justice and Climate.
WHEN: 1:00pm - Saturday, July 4th
WHERE: Sunset Beach (Bute Ave and Beach St)
The organizers are asking anyone who can to wear red (and bring extra red fabric or garments to share) for a flash mob and giant human banner.
People across the country are coming together in unprecedented ways to protect their communities from the threat of pipelines and tankers. But this is about more than just how we transport oil -- scientists are telling us that to maintain a liveable climate we need to leave most dirty fossil fuels in the ground.1
We need to build a new economy -- one that’s powered by clean energy, provides good green jobs, and is founded on principles of justice.
With hope and respect,
Jolan, on behalf of  
1. Leave fossil fuels buried to prevent climate change, study urges

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