Sunday, 26 July 2015

Journals Consortium Archive of Postgraduate Dissertations

Introducing Archive of Postgraduate Dissertations

Dear Dr. Cheryl Lans,
We are glad to introduce to you the Journals Consortium Archive of Postgraduate Dissertations.
Postgraduate thesis/dissertations are resources of immense research value across academic disciplines. Unfortunately, most thesis/dissertations tend to be restricted to university libraries and archives.
Journals Consortium Postgraduate Archive provides a new and exciting way of digitally archiving postgraduate thesis/dissertations.  This enables postgraduate students to archive their thesis/dissertations by uploading them to the Journals Consortium Postgraduate Archive platform. This not only extend these thesis/dissertations work from university libraries to the global academic community, but also gives them a global audience and better chances for these thesis/dissertations to be cited by other researchers.
Using the Open Access model, these thesis /dissertations will be freely available to all researchers by simply visiting the Journals ConsortiumPostgraduate Archive website.
Please inform your colleagues and students of this archive and encourage them to submit their postgraduate theses/dissertations.
Yours sincerely,
Postgraduate Dissertations Department
Journals Consortium