Monday, 27 July 2015

Skin bioenergy and antiaging responses to a complex of cosmetic ingredients with dill seed extract

Robert Carver, PhD, BASF, Stony Brook, NY, United States; Lisa Mullins, MS, The Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH, United States; Mary Johnson, MS, The Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH, United States; Rosemarie Osborne, PhD, The Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Background: One approach to enable the renewal of aging skin is restoration of cellular energy capacity. Niacinamide (NA) increases NADH levels and provides skin benefits, such as improved barrier, texture, and uneven pigmentation. In the current work, we evaluated a complex containing NA, a wrinkle reducing peptide Pal-KTTKS, and an olive derivative that boosts the antioxidant capacity of skin. The effects of the complex on ATP, NADH, and procollagen 1 (PC-1) were determined in human dermal fibroblasts (Fbs) derived from aging adult skin as compared to young skin.

This work was sponsored 100% by BASF and P&G Beauty