Pop Quiz: Sweet Potato or Yam?

Sweet potatoes and yams are constantly
confused for one another, but the the truth is what you’ve been calling a
yam is most likely a sweet potato. Even more, it’s possible that you’ve
never even tasted a yam! Do you know the difference? Take our quiz and
test your root knowledge!
1. I am a tuberous root with sweet moist flesh.
2. I am orginially from Africa and am hardly sold in U.S. markets.
3. I am super sweet and can grow over 7 feet in length!
4. My skin can range from thin and pale to dark and thick.
5. I am toxic when eaten raw, but perfectly safe when cooked.
6. I am known for my high content of Vitamins A and C.
7. I have rough skin that is difficult to peel and can even be hairy at times, but it softens when baked.
8. My flesh can sometimes be purple!
9. I have an oblong body with tapered ends.
10. I have a very low glycemic index – a special health benefit to diabetics.
1. Both. Sweet potatoes and yams are considered tuberous roots and both are sweet and delicious.
2. Yam. Are you surprised? Yams grow in tropical climates, primarily in South America, Africa
and the Caribbean.
3. Yam. They have a higher sugar content than sweet potatoes and can grow to be enormous!
4. Sweet potato. Paler skinned sweet potatoes have
white flesh which is not as sweet and moist as the darker skinned,
orange flesh sweet potatoes.
5. Yam. Unlike the sweet potato, yams must be
cooked to be safely eaten. Preparation is a time-consuming process
involving several minutes of pounding and boiling to remove toxins.
6. Sweet potato. Yams do not contain as much Vitamin A and C as sweet potatoes.
7. Yam. Sweet potato skin is thinner and smoother.
8. Both. Purple Okinawan sweet potato is often confused with the purple yam called ube.
9. Sweet potato. It can be short and fat or long and thin, but it will always taper at the ends.
10. Both. The sweet potato and yam are also both loaded with potassium, magnesium and phosphorous.