Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The Dupuis List: The CPC War on Science via @pricetags

The Dupuis List: The CPC War on Science

August 24, 2015

It seems like the appropriate time to repost this from Unpublished Ottawa.
This blog post written by Jean Dupuis, a Canadian scientific librarian, is a couple years old, but I thought I would share it with Canadians because of the incredibly long list of attacks on Canadian science that it documents.
This is a brief chronology of the current Conservative Canadian government’s long campaign to undermine evidence-based scientific, environmental and technical decision-making.
A long list of various environmental programs that the Harper government has discontinued or slashed funding to is here.

Compiled by Joyce Nelson
Fisheries & Oceans
Discontinued: Species-at-Risk Program, Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program, Habitat Management, Experimental Lakes Area (Northern Ontario), DFO Marine Science Libraries, Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research

Slashed: DFO Institute of Ocean Sciences (Sidney, BC), Freshwater Institute - Winnipeg, Oil Spill Counter-Measures Team, Maurice-Lamontagne Institute (Quebec), Canada Coast Guard/Kitsilano Coast Guard Station
Environment Canada
Discontinued: Environmental Emergency Response Program, Urban Wastewater Program, Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (Nunavut), Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team, Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy
Slashed: Environmental Protection Operations, Compliance Promotion Program, Action Plan on Clean Water, Sustainable Water Management Division, Environmental Effects Monitoring Program, Contaminated Sites Action Plan, Chemicals Management Plan, Canadian Centre for Inland Waters (Burlington, Ont.)   
Health Canada
Slashed: Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Slashed: Reduced science capacity for oversight and research
National Research Council
Slashed: Canada Institute for Scientific & Technical Information
Transport Canada
Slashed: Transportation of Dangerous Goods (pipelines/tankers oversight), Transport Canada Aircraft Services
Discontinued: Arctic Institute of North America’s Kluane Research Station, The Global Environmental Monitoring System, Cereal Research Centre (Winnipeg), Canadian Environmental Network, Prairies Regional Office: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, The Research Tools and Instruments Grant Program, Grants Programs administered by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Slashed: The Centre for Plant Health (Vancouver Island), The Great Lakes Forestry Centre (Toronto), Horticulture Research & Development Centre (Quebec), Plant Pathology Program (Summerland, BC), Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health (Winnipeg), The National Water Research Institute (Burlington, Ont.), Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Primary Sources:
The Professional Institute of Public Service Canada; CBC News

I haven’t found individual media stories about all of them, so they aren’t in the list below.
 the full list (though it only goes to Oct 2014)

Update 2013.05.27: Undated list of science or environmental libraries closed is here: Natural Resources Canada is set to close six of fourteen libraries in 2012-2013, Parks Canada will consolidate 5 libraries into one, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. Undated list of women’s programs cut since 2006, including many science or health-related, including: Assisted Human Reproduction Canada, Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
This list is no doubt incomplete. There may also be link errors or duplications.
– See more at: