Monday, 21 September 2015

Effects of antioxidant combinations on shelf stability of irradiated chicken sausage during storage

Volume 106, January 2015, Pages 315–319

Effects of antioxidant combinations on shelf stability of irradiated chicken sausage during storage


We evaluate the combined effects of gamma irradiation and antioxidant combination.
Gamma irradiation is effective in reducing the nitrite levels.
Combination of antioxidants might be helpful in enhancing the oxidative stability.


This study was conducted in order to investigate the combined effects of gamma irradiation (0, 2.5, and 5 kGy) and antioxidant combination, mugwort extract (ME) and ascorbic acid (Aa), on the pH, total color difference (ΔE), hue angle (H°), 2-thiobarbituricacid-reactive substances (TBARS) values, residual nitrite contents, and sensory evaluation in chicken sausage during storage. The pH values and sensory properties, except for color, of chicken sausage were not significantly affected by adding ME or treating irradiation during storage. However, ΔE, and H° values of samples containing ME (either alone or with Aa) were higher than that of control, whereas irradiation had no significant effect during storage. A combination of ME+Aa (0.2% ME+0.05% Aa) was effective at delaying lipid oxidation in irradiated chicken sausage. In addition, nitrite contents were reduced by gamma ray as a dose dependent manner and, particularly in ME+Aa was most effective in decreasing the residual nitrite. Our results suggested that gamma irradiation combined with an antioxidant mixture is a useful technology for reducing the residual nitrite and retarding the lipid oxidation in chicken sausage.


  • Gamma irradiation;
  • Mugwort;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Residual nitrite;
  • Shelf-life

Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 450 3684; fax: +82 2 444 6695.