Tuesday, 22 September 2015

The Law & Society Association will host its next annual meeting in New Orleans (USA), from June 2-5, 2016.

The Law & Society Association will host its next annual meeting in New Orleans (USA), from June 2-5, 2016.  Collaborative Research Network #38, International Socio-Legal Feminisms (coordinated with Kathleen Lahey and Asa Gunnarsson), warmly welcomes submissions and proposals for this year’s conference.
Please consult the official call for papers<http://www.lawandsociety.org/NewOrleans2016/neworleans2016.html> for further details.

Whilst I welcome emails and queries about this year’s conference, it is necessary to submit a proposal via the official, LSA online system (link follows:
"Accessing the Submission System - login instructions<http://www.lawandsociety.org/NewOrleans2016/2016-access.html>")
If you mention “CRN 38” in the title, we should pick you up!  Please also drop me a line, if you have a minute, to let me know that you will be joining us.

Please note that the deadline is a bit earlier this year (15 October).