Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Pass A Federal Act to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Canada #HighwayOfTears

Pass A Federal Act to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Canada #HighwayOfTears

Matt Smiley 
Los Angeles, California
Three and a half years ago my life changed forever when a friend told me about the Highway Of Tears. I learned that on this stretch of highway in northern British Columbia, at least 40 women and girls had gone missing, the majority of them from aboriginal communities -- and the Canadian government hadn't done anything about it.
As I began to investigate the stories of these women and girls, my outrage grew. I wanted all of Canada to hear these stories for themselves and to know the anguish felt by families. I wanted to help advocate for a solution. So I started making a documentary called "Highway Of Tears."
Once the documentary was finished, I thought my journey was over -- but it was really just beginning. At screenings across Canada, I heard thousands of stories of violence against aboriginal women and girls - not just along the Highway of Tears. What's more - I learned that very few families have had any closure or justice for their lost loved ones.
That’s why I’m asking you to sign this petition telling Canada’s government to implement A FEDERAL ACT TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST ABORIGINAL WOMEN IN CANADA.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of aboriginal leaders, most Canadians know about the need for a national inquiry into this issue. We’ve seen the government ignore their voices, even as the world has begun to take notice, and the United Nations has condemned Canada for inaction
I've started this petition with the support of communities and families of missing women, including Mary Teegee, Carrier Sekani Family Services and The Highway of Tears Initiative.
By signing this petition, you're telling Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau to make a Federal Act to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women a priority, in addition to a national inquiry.
I’ve been fortunate to travel country over the last year to meet with community leaders, activists, MPs and Senators.  I can tell you firmly from the bottom of my heart that this FEDERAL ACT is 100% necessary to protecting women and girls by improving the criminal justice response to violence. And it’s something many of our political leaders already support. 
While I’m not asking all of you to join us in searching for lost family members or solving crimes, I am asking for you to join us in spirit. I am committed to pushing the Government of Canada to not only conduct a national inquiry, but to also implement a FEDERAL ACT TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST ABORIGINAL WOMEN IN CANADA. Thank you for joining us.