Wednesday, 25 November 2015

9th joint natural products conference July 24 - 27 Copenhagen, Denmark

Welcome note by the organizers

Welcome to Copenhagen! It is a privilege and a great honour to welcome you to the 9th Joint Natural Products Conference 2016 in Copenhagen - a joint conference organized by University of Copenhagen on behalf of:
  • The Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)
  • The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP)
  • The Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE)
  • Società Italiana di Fitochimica (SIF)
  • Association Francophone pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie (AFERP)
  • The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy (JSP)
The conference takes placJuly 24-27, 2016 at Tivoli Congress Centre in central Copenhagen, an efficient place of understated Scandinavian coolness. 

The joint conference covers a broad range of scientific disciplines within natural products research. We trust we have put together a tantalizing programme of high scientific standard, with interesting talks and time for networking. The scientific programme includeplenary lectures by invited speakers, and keynote/short talks on recent topics of natural product research. The poster sessions also provide opportunities for scientific discussions.  

A Young Researcher Workshop takes places the day before the conference, and in the spirit of the joint meeting, this workshop is open to young members of all the joining societies. There will also be a pre-conference workshop on Regulatory Affairs and a pre-symposium on Advances in (Bio)Analytical Techniques Applied to Natural Products Research. 

After long days of hard work we hope you will enjoy the various social events like an Evening in the Botanical Gardens, and make the most of the light Nordic summer nights. 

In the longstanding tradition of these joint conferences, we have organised a botanical excursion the day after the conference. The excursion goes to three unique habitats on Zealand, the island where Copenhagen is situated.