Monday, 23 November 2015

Ethnoveterinary practices used by owners of working equids with dermal disorders from tropical regions of Veracruz, Mexico

Title: Ethnoveterinary practices used by owners of working equids with dermal disorders from tropical regions of Veracruz, Mexico
Authors: Sánchez-Casanova, Rubí
Masri-Daba, María
Alonso-Díaz, Miguel
Méndez-Bernal, Adriana
Hernández-Gil, Mariano
Fernando-Martinez, José
Keywords: Ethnoveterinary practices
Dermal disorder
Working equids
Skin wounds
Issue Date: Jul-2015
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC CodeInt. Cl.8: A61D, A61K, A61B 17/322, A61Q 17/00, A61B 17/00, A45D 27/38, A45D 44/22, A01D 6/00
Abstract: The tropical environmental conditions of the North-central region of the state of Veracruz, Mexico, are favorable for the development of specific dermal disorders in working equids and sometimes cost and inaccessibility has led to the continuation as well as rediscovery of traditional treatment practices in developing countries. Four hundred sixty seven working equids from the North-central region of the state of Veracruz, Mexico, were treated at the Donkey Sanctuary Mobile Clinic Program-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Animals with signs of cutaneous pathology underwent a physical examination. Each owner of an animal with dermal disorders was interviewed using a standardized structured and pre-tested questionnaire that included detailed questions on owner demographics and equid ownership, feeding practices, animal disease history and the ethnoveterinay practices (EVP) performed. Prevalence (P) and confidence intervals for prevalence (CIp) for husbandry and EVPs were calculated. A total of 84 owners who cared for 96 equids with dermal disorders were interviewed. Nine dermal disorders were reported by owners. The therapeutic methods used included gentian violet, hydrogen peroxide, soap, commercial parasiticides, used engine oil, dehorning paste, sulfur, creolin, and practices such as suture and firing or branding. Only the medicinal plant Aloe vera was reported as being used to treat skin wounds.
Page(s): 344-350
CC License:  CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India
ISSN: 0975-1068 (Online); 0972-5938 (Print)
Source:IJTK Vol.14(3) [July 2015]