Thursday, 26 November 2015

Morphological characteristics of fruits, drupes and seeds in genotypes of ziziphus jujuba mill

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 306-314

Institute of Biological Conservation and Biosafety, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculutre in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, Nitra, Slovakia
M. M. Grishko National Botanical Gardens of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Timiryazevska 1, Kiev, Ukraine
Nikita Botanical Garden Research Centre, Nova Kachovka, Sadova 1, Plodove, Kherson, Ukraine


The aim of this work is to discriminate 28 Ziziphus jujuba Mill. genotypes (ZJ-01-ZJ-28) based on weight and morphological characteristics of fruit, stones and seeds. These genotypes maintained in a clone repository (Nova Kachovka, Ukraine) were chosen for investigation as potential species for cultivation and use in Slovakia. The fruits were collected at the period of their full maturity (October); their morphometric parameters were following: weight from 2.90 g (ZJ-13) to 28.99 g (ZJ-22), length from 20.73 mm (ZJ-08) to 44.84 mm (ZJ-04), and width from 16.64 mm (ZJ-13) to 38.87 mm (ZJ-22). Isolated stones were also analysed, and their weight was from 0.173 g (ZJ-07) to 0.731 g (ZJ-20), length from 12.84 mm (ZJ-08) to 28.67 mm (ZJ-04), and width from 5.06 mm (ZJ-07) to 9.74 mm (ZJ-01). The weight of the seeds was ranging from 20.00 mg (ZJ-25) to 69.11 mg (ZJ-12), length from 7.24 mm (ZJ-15) to 11.85 mm (ZJ-04), and width was from 3.86 mm (ZJ-05) to 6.84 mm (ZJ-12). Significant differences in the size, shape and color of fruits, stones and seeds were also identified. The pulp, seedless stones and seeds constitute 92.81% (ZJ-26) - 98.32% (ZJ-04), 1.36% (ZJ-04) - 6.27% (ZJ-20), and 0.25% (QA-24, QA-25) - 1.21% (ZJ-16) of the total fruits weight, respectively The shape index of the fruits was found in the range of 1.04 (ZJ-08) to 2.00 (ZJ-12 and ZJ-25). The shape indexes of stones and seeds were found ranging from 1.74 (ZJ-08) to 4.53 (ZJ-05) and from 1.32 (ZJ-23) to 2.74 (ZJ-04), respectively. The relative weight of pulp was determined in the range from 92.76% (ZJ-13) to 98.32% (ZJ-04) and the relative weight of seed was determined in the range of 0.25% (ZJ-24 and ZJ-25) to 1.16% (ZJ-26). The Chinese jujube genotypes of this study were grouped based on hierarchical clustering of the fruit, stone and seed characteristics. © 2014 Potravinarstvo. All rights reserved.

Author keywords

Chinese jujube variability; Fruit; Morphological characteristics; Seed; Stones
ISSN: 13380230Source Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.5219/414Document Type: Article
Publisher: HACCP Consulting