Thursday, 24 December 2015

3 Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowships - “Health Priorities in Resource-Limited Settings”

University of Liverpool - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

The University of Liverpool and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine seek 3 appointments to our 9th annual cohort of Clinical PhD studentships, commencing 1 September 2016 and funded by The Wellcome Trust.
The duration of the clinical training fellowship will be for a maximum of 4 years, with the first year based in Liverpool completing an MRes, and most or all of the remaining 3 years completing a clinical research PhD based overseas in a lower middle income country (L-MIC), addressing a research question of relevance to local health needs. The Centre for Global Health Research has strong links with many potential overseas research sites, including the MLW programme in Malawi and the National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore. The appointment shall be for 1 year initially, extended by a further 3 years when a PhD proposal is accepted by The Wellcome Trust.
To apply Medical graduates must have passed the relevant specialty postgraduate exam e.g. MRCP, MRCS, MRCOphth/FRCOphth Part 1, MRCPsych, MRCOG Part 1, MRCPCH, FRCA Part 1. GPs are advised to contact the office to clarify their eligibility. It is anticipated that most applicants will have already commenced specialist training, but this is not essential.
Applicants must demonstrate a connection to the European Economic Area (EEA) as defined at:
Job Ref: R-589910/JAC
Closing Date: 15 January 2016

For full details, or to request an application pack, visit
or e-mail, please quote Job Ref in all enquiries