Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Call for papers - “Science & technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures”,

Call for papers & closed sessions

4S and EASST are opening up now a call for papers and closed sessions for their 2016 Joint Meeting that will take place from August 31st to September 3rd in Barcelona. Titled “Science & technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures”, it aims at exploring how science and technology are increasingly performed, shaped and developed ‘by other means’: in a variety of exploratory activities that include the articulation of collectives that do not fit with the traditional actors and institutions in science and technology, or in ways that problematize the established hegemonies involved in the production of knowledge and technologies.
This call invites not just traditional papers based on up-front power-point presentations but it also encourages the proposal of alternative forms of communication and interaction: new ways and new media for presenting, sharing, producing and disseminating research projects and outcomes.
Participation in the conference will be limited to a maximum of two interventions per person: only one paper presentation and an optional additional engagement in other activities in the conference (e.g. acting as session chair or discussant).

Paper proposals for open tracks
You do NOT need to be a current member of EASST or 4S to propose a paper (but you will need to provide us with contact details as part of the process).
All paper proposals must be made to specific open tracks via the ‘Propose a paper’ link placed beneath the track abstract on each open track’s webpage. To submit your paper proposal for an open track, please:
  • go to TRACKS,
  • select the track you would like to submit a paper to and
  • press ‘propose paper’ at the bottom of your chosen track.
Paper proposals should include: a paper title (no more than 10 words); author/co-authors; a short abstract (maximum 300 characters including spaces) and a long one (up to 250 words). The long abstract will be shown on the web and the short one is what will be displayed in the conference programme.
Abstracts should make reference to the paper object, main related arguments, methodology, and contribution to the STS literature. A specific mention to paper’s relation to track’s themes and topic is required. Please, do mention, if any special technical requirement will be needed.
We remind that all papers should be submitted in International English. Conversation and debates in other languages during the conference will be welcomed too.
Once a proposal is submitted, the proposing author (not co-authors) will receive an automatic email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please, first check the Login environment to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email has been classed as spam or otherwise lost; if it is not, please proceed to re-submit your proposal, as it may mean that, for some reason, the process was not completed.
Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for papers. Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed for their track and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up within the login environment. Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for ‘transfer’, will then be considered by the Scientific Committee to see if they could be reallocated to another track but there is no guarantee that such papers can be re-housed. The ‘transfer process’ aims to ensure that good papers will have a chance to be presented even if the track to which they were initially proposed has no space.
While we cannot prevent you from making multiple proposals, we would encourage colleagues to make just one. In the event of more than one being accepted you will be required to choose between them. You will be able to present only one paper at the conference.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts to open tracks: February 21st 2016

Closed sessions
These are submitted as a pack with a number of papers with a shared focus. Closed sessions proposals would ideally be comprised of one or two 90 minutes slots with around 15 minutes per presentation.
Those interested in submitting a closed session should send an email expressing their interest to program@sts2016bcn.org. They will be informed of the procedure they should follow to submit their proposal and the paper abstracts included in the session.
Closed sessions proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. Priority will be given to the proposals contributing to wider debates for the STS community as a whole and their connection with the conference’s motto. Their acceptance will also depend on space availability.
Deadline for the closed track submission: February 21st 2016.