Berlin, Germany
May 21 - 22, 2017

Conference Information
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Conference Code: 17DE05ICETM
Conference Aims and Objectives
The ICETM 2017: 19th International Conference on Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine.Call for Contributions
All honourable authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, papers and e-posters that address themes and topics of the conference, including figures, tables and references of novel research material.WASETConference Proceedings
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by three competent reviewers. The post conference proceedings will be abstracted and indexed in the International Science Index , and submitted to be indexed in the Google Scholar, Scopus and Thomson Reuters. The conference abstracts and proceedings book, CD and certificate of presentation will be distributed to the conference participants at the conference registration desk.Special Journal Issues
ICETM 2017 has teamed up with the Special Journal Issue on Advances in Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine. A number of selected high-impact full text papers will also be considered for the special journal issues. All submitted papers will have opportunities for consideration for this Special Journal Issue. The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. The final decision for paper selection will be made based on peer review reports by the Guest Editors and the Editor-in-Chief jointly. Selected full text papers will be online published as free of charge.Conference Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
The Conference offers the opportunity to become a sponsor or exhibitor in the Conference, please download and fill in the Conference Sponsorship Request FormImportant Dates
Paper submissions Notification of acceptance Final paper submission and authors' registration Conference Dates |
November 21, 2016 December 21, 2016 January 21, 2017 May 21 - 22, 2017 |
Upcoming Conferences
ICETM 2016 : International Conference on Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsICETM 2017 : International Conference on Ethnomedicine and Traditional Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Selected Conference Papers
1) Optical Properties of WO3-NiO Complementary Electrochromic DevicesChih-Ming Wang, Chih-Yu Wen, Ying-Chung Chen, Chun-Chieh Wang, Chien-Chung Hsu, Jui-Yang Chang, Jyun-Min Lin
2) Inhibitory Effects of Extracts and Isolates from Kigelia africana Fruits against Pathogenic Bacteria and Yeasts
Deepak K. Semwal, Ruchi B. Semwal, Aijaz Ahmad, Guy P. Kamatou, Alvaro M. Viljoen
3) Extracting Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from the Lamiaceae Plant Family in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): Highlights on Great Possibilities and Sever Difficulties
Suzan M. Shahin, Mohammed A. Salem
4) Relationship of Arm Acupressure Points and Thai Traditional Massage
Boonyarat Chaleephay
5) Optimal Design of Two-Channel Recursive Parallelogram Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks
Ju-Hong Lee, Yi-Lin Shieh
6) Development of Manufacturing Simulation Model for Semiconductor Fabrication
Syahril Ridzuan Ab Rahim, Ibrahim Ahmad, Mohd Azizi Chik, Ahmad Zafir Md. Rejab, and U. Hashim
7) Using Multi-Linguistic Techniques for Thailand Herb and Traditional Medicine Registration Systems
Thanapol Wisuttikul, Choochart Haruechaiyasak, Santipong Thaiprayoon
8) Floristic Richness of the Tropical Coast of Northern Andhra Pradesh along Bay of Bengal, a Treasure to be Conserved
Rao M. V., Joshi S. C., Balaji M.
9) Ethnobotany and Distribution of Dioscoreahispida Dennst. (Dioscoreaceae) in Besut, Marang and Setiu Districts of Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia
M. Nashriyah, T. Salmah, M.Y. NurAtiqah, O. Siti Nor Indah, A.W. MuhamadAzhar, S. Munirah, Y. Nornasuha, A. Abdul Manaf
10) Ethnobotany and Distribution of Wild Edible Tubers in Pulau Redang and Nearby Islands of Terengganu, Malaysia
M. Nashriyah, M. Y. Nur Athiqah, H. Syahril Amin, N. Norhayati, A. W. Mohamad Azhar, M. Khairil
11) Adaptive Square-Rooting Companding Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems
Wisam F. Al-Azzo, Borhanuddin Mohd. Ali
12) Study of Iranian Biospherical Reservation Areas for Medicinal Plants Diversity
Esmaeil Yasari, Abed Vahedi
13) Performance of Subcarrier- OCDMA System with Complementary Subtraction Detection Technique
R. K. Z. Sahbudin, M. K. Abdullah, M. Mokhtar, S. B. A. Anas, S. Hitam
14) A Single-Phase Register File with Complementary Pass-Transistor Adiabatic Logic
Jianping Hu, Xiaolei Sheng
15) Impact of Government Spending on Private Consumption and on the Economy: The Case of Thailand
Paitoon Kraipornsak