Copenhage, Dinamarca
Call for abstracts
Themes and scientific topics
The Joint Natural Products Conference 2016 in Copenhagen aims at bringing together scientists from different fields of natural products research. The sientific programme is divided in five themes, with main scientific topics as listed below.
2.5: Synthetic and semisynthetic approaches in natural products research
Instructions for abstract preparation and submission
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invite scientific contributions for short lectures (15 min) and posters
related to the themes mentioned below. Please note that all scientific
contributions (including poster presentations) will be subjected to an
extensive review process; only high-quality abstracts will be accepted.
All accepted abstracts will be available in electronic form on the
conference webpage WWW.JNPC2016.DK,
and published later in a special conference issue of PLANTA MEDICA.
Please note that accepted abstracts which are not presented during the
conference because of absence of the presenting author will not be
published in PLANTA MEDICA.
- Deadline for abstract submission is March 1, 2016.
- Notification of acceptance or rejection will be May 1, 2016.
Themes and scientific topics
The Joint Natural Products Conference 2016 in Copenhagen aims at bringing together scientists from different fields of natural products research. The sientific programme is divided in five themes, with main scientific topics as listed below.
Theme 1: Advances in natural products research spurred by new technological developments
1.1: Bioinformatics and chemoinformatics – transforming data into knowledge
1.2: Metabolomics and profiling technologies – data-driven exploration of the metabolome
1.3: Network- and polypharmacology – understanding the complex pharmacological properties of drugs of natural origin
The analytical challenge – hyphenation and miniaturization for
accelerated identification of bioactive compounds from nature
Theme 2: Sources of bioactive compounds
2.1: Traditional medicine and medicinal plants
2.2: Marine natural products – exploring the treasure of the oceans
2.3: The chemistry of fungi, actinomycetes and microalgae
2.4: Endophytes – microorganisms that produce bioactive natural products in plants and in isolated cultures2.5: Synthetic and semisynthetic approaches in natural products research
Theme 3: Sustainable sources of bioactive natural products
3.1: Plant biotechnology – tools for developing plants for a changing world
3.2: Microbial biotechnology – engineering small organisms with large potential
3.3: Biorefineries – value-added compounds from biomass
Theme 4: Natural products as preventive and curative medicine for humans and animals
4.1: Functional food and feed – edible plants with health-promoting properties
4.2: Ethnopharmacology – modern sciences for the study of traditional medicine practices
4.3: Preclinical and clinical studies of herbal products
4.4: Natural products in animal healthcare and veterinary medicine
Theme 5: Production and regulatory aspects of herbal preparations
5.1: Production and formulation technologies of herbal products
5.2: Quality control of herbal products and herbal dietary supplements
5.3: Regulatory affairs – the legal aspects of manufacturingInstructions for abstract preparation and submission
conference language is English and in accordance with this all
abstracts must be written in English. Abstracts must be prepared in one
of the following JNPC2016 Abstract templates using Microsoft Word or a
compatible word processor - and each abstract must be submitted as a
single .doc or .docx file via the JNPC2016 registration module.
Abstracts submitted in other file formats or sent by fax, mail, email or
other means will not be considered.
- Download JNPC2016 Abstract template in Microsoft Word .docx format here.
- Download JNPC2016 Abstract template in Microsoft Word .doc format here.
templates contain styles (font, font-size, font-color, etc) for Title,
Authors, Author affiliation, etc. For your inspiration, an example of a
correctly prepared JNPC2016 Abstract template can be seen here:
- Exemplary JNPC2016 Abstract created in JNPC2016 Abstract template.docx
Abstracts should be concise and include results and discussion, i.e.,
sentences such as 'results will be presented' are not acceptable.
Abstracts will be peer reviewed by the scientific committee, and
submissions without definite results will not be accepted.
Guide to Abstract preparation from JNPC2016 Abstract template
one of the JNPC2016 Abstract templates from above and save it to your
computers hard disk with the file name 'Theme x.x Presenting Author
Name' - where Theme x.x refers to one of the topics listed above, e.g., Theme 1.1 for the theme Bioinformatics and chemoinformatics, and Presenting Author Name is the name of the presenting author.
Start preparing the abstract in the now renamed JNPC2016 Abstract template, by including the following:
– type in a short and concise title in the indicated field. A title
should immediately tell the reader what the abstract is about. Chose
style 'JNPC2016 Title' from the style selector in your Word processor
Author(s) - type in all contributing authors with full names referenced by numerical superscripts for affiliation, e.g., Bingrui Liu1, Dan Staerk2, etc. Presenting author should be underlined. [Style 'JNPC2016 Authors']
- type in numerical superscript for affiliation followed by the
affiliation (Department, Institution, address, postal code and city,
country). [Style 'JNPC2016 Author affiliations']
Abstract text
- type in your abstract text using no more than 2000 characters. In
case your abstract contains a picture, include it just below the
Abstract text section. [Style 'JNPC2016 Abstract text']
Acknowledgements - type in acknowledgements. [Style 'JNPC2016 Acknowledgements']
References - type in references using numbered list with numbers in square brackets. [Style 'JNPC2016 Reference list']. Please use the below format for references or consult Guidelines for Authors of Planta Medica at
A, Nahrstedt A. Separation of rosmarinic acid enantiomers by three
different chromatographic methods and the determination of rosmarinic
acid in Hedera helix. Phytochem Anal 1996; 7: 204 – 208
Preferred presentation
- mark whether you prefer an oral or a poster presentation of your
abstract. There will be a limited number of short oral presentations for
submitted abstracts. The decision of who will be offered an oral
presentation will be taken by the local organizing committee after the
peer review process.
Presenter - type title and name of the presenting author
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