Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Science or Science Fiction? Professionals’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change

    1. Lianne M. Lefsrud
      1. University of Alberta, Canada
    2. Renate E. Meyer
      1. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
    1. Lianne M. Lefsrud, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2R6, Canada Email: lefsrud@ualberta.ca


    This paper examines the framings and identity work associated with professionals’ discursive construction of climate change science, their legitimation of themselves as experts on ‘the truth’, and their attitudes towards regulatory measures. Drawing from survey responses of 1077 professional engineers and geoscientists, we reconstruct their framings of the issue and knowledge claims to position themselves within their organizational and their professional institutions. In understanding the struggle over what constitutes and legitimizes expertise, we make apparent the heterogeneity of claims, legitimation strategies, and use of emotionality and metaphor. By linking notions of the science or science fiction of climate change to the assessment of the adequacy of global and local policies and of potential organizational responses, we contribute to the understanding of ‘defensive institutional work’ by professionals within petroleum companies, related industries, government regulators, and their professional association.