Wednesday, 24 February 2016

15 March Deadline | GI Grants for Leiden Affiliates

Call for Applications: Global Interactions sponsors a number of grant programs for Leiden researchers at various stages in their careers. The next deadline for GI Seed, Breed, Advanced seminar grants is March 15th.

GI Research Agenda

A central idea that unites the diverse research within the Global Interactions research profile is a shift away from a classical Weberian approach, which views historical development (and modernization) as emanating from Europe and ‘the West’, to a truly global approach allowing for multiple perspectives in a multipolar world. This de-centering approach remains principle in our mission to develop and support innovative research on past, present, and emergent global forms and interconnections.
We welcome all applications that seek to further study on all topics and issues concerned with global interactions. 

Breed Grants **Now open to VENI level researchers**

These grants for Leiden faculty offer a flexible scheme that focuses on supporting mini ‘sabbaticals’ tailored to support one or more researchers who situate the study of global interactions as a primary component in their research. While some preference will be given to those who wish to prepare research grant proposals, we will also consider other kinds of projects if they substantially enrich the development of research on global interactions at Leiden University. Proposals will be evaluated primarily in terms of innovative potential, cross-disciplinary integration and academic excellence. Possibilities for support include:
  • teaching relief for 0.5 to 1.0 term (buy-out or teaching assistants)
  • a series of intensive expert meetings and workshops
  • visiting scholars who are primary collaborators in the grant development (up to 1 month tenure)

Requirements and Eligibility

  • applicants must be Leiden faculty eligible to apply for NWO or ERC grants at any level
  • projects at the VIDI level and above must involve multidisciplinary research
  • projects at the VENI level must demonstrate interdiscilinary potential and prioritize the study of global interactions as a primary theme of the research
  • grantees must give a public presentation on their work midway and/or at the end of their tenure
  • grantees are expected to attend/participate in other GI activities

Expected Results (will vary depending on length of grant):
  1. a grant proposal to be submitted within the same year
  2. co-authored refereed publication to be submitted within the same year or an edited volume to be submitted the following year

Application Procedure

Application materials: standard application form + planning schedule
Rename the completed application as: last name of the primary applicant_BREEDgrant.
Send application materials to
* Deadline15 March
* Procedure: discussion by coordinators
* Decision: 15 May

Seed Grants

GI seed money is specifically intended to support and stimulate new collaborative or crossdisciplinary research. Projects may include:
  • new research related to the study of global interactions
  • the development of international networks and research partnerships
  • innovative projects that demonstrate the wider social relevance of global interactions research and approaches
Proposals must demonstrate a cross-regional and/or multi-disciplinary nature. This money cannot be used to support existing research projects. Proposals will be evaluated primarily in terms of innovative potential, cross-disciplinary integration and academic excellence. Grants generally will not exceed €5000.
Requirements and Eligibility 
Applications are open to all academic faculty and staff, including postdoctoral and doctoral researchers working at Leiden University. Self-funded PhDs are also eligible to apply.
  • Applications must be submitted jointly by at least two Leiden researchers from at least two different disciplines or regional specialties (one of whom is beyond the doctoral phase).
  • Grantees are expected to attend/participate in other GI activities.
  • Funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis (with receipts and justification) and cannot be used for salary replacement or stipends. Advanced payments are not possible.

Expected Results
  1. Funds must be used within one year of initial grant date.
  2. Grantees must submit a short report on outcomes, future plans, and an accounting of expenditures at the end of grant period.

Application Procedure
Application materials: standard application form + planning schedule
Rename the completed application as: last name of the primary applicant_SEEDgrant.
Send application materials to
* Deadline15 March * Procedure: discussion by coordinators
* Decision: 15 May

Advanced Seminar Grants

Following the prestigious SAR Advanced Seminar model in anthropology, Global Interactions is pleased to announce funding for the GI Advanced Seminars (GIAS). GIAS seeks to promote in-depth communication among scholars from at least two different disciplines, whose research converges on a shared topic concerning global interactions and whose interaction has the potential to provide new insights into critical global issues, assemblages or dynamics.
Competitive proposals will have both strong empirical and theoretical dimensions; that is, they should be anchored in specific cultural or historical research, situate the proposed topic within a global problematic or framework, and engage a broad scholarly literature. Applicants should make a convincing case for the intellectual significance of their projects and their potential contribution to a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
Each Advanced Seminar consists of 5 to 10 scholars including one or two who serve as chair(s). Depending on the size, the group will meet for three to five days of intense discussion. Seminar papers are circulated amongst participants at least one month prior to the seminar and are discussed during the sessions. These discussions should also include a consideration of recent or emergent innovations in theory and method, an appraisal of crosscutting issues, and a synthesis of ideas. The resulting papers will be submitted to an academic press or journal as a special issue for publication. Following the seminar, the chair is required to submit a 1,500-word summary of the seminar.
GI will provide round-trip coach airfare, lodging, and all meals and a meeting space for up to ten participants. Every effort is made to create an atmosphere in which participants can meet without interruption or distraction. Travel costs within the EU will be reimbursed up to €300 per person and for international flights, up to €2000 per person. Total travel costs cannot exceed €7000.
Requirements and Eligibility 
Applications are open to all academic faculty and staff, including postdoctoral and doctoral researchers working at Leiden University.
Application procedure
The application must include:
  • Cover sheet, with the contact details of chair(s).
  • Abstract, of no more than 200 words
  • Proposal, not to exceed 3 single-spaced pages
  • Short bibliography, not to exceed one single-spaced page, of references cited in the proposal
  • Curriculum vitae, not to exceed four single-spaced pages, for the seminar chair(s) only

Please see more detailed instructions here. Specify, "Advanced Seminar Application" in the subject line and send application materials to Only fully completed applications that adhere to GI’s guidelines and deadlines will be considered. 
* Deadline15 March
* Procedure: discussion by coordinators
* Decision: 15 May
Last Modified: 08-02-2016