Monday, 22 February 2016

Hold the Wall

Hold the Wall
Dear Cheryl,
I wanted to give you an update that, today [FEB 4], the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) signed a Solidarity Accord affirming its support for the Save the Fraser Declaration, an Indigenous law signed by representatives of well over 100 First Nations banning tar sands transport through our territories.

The BCGEU joins other labour unions such as Unifor and the BC Teachers’ Federation, as well as business, environmental and community groups, and people like you, that have already given their support to the Declaration.  
This comes at a bad time for Enbridge Northern Gateway. If the ongoing legal challenges, failure to obtain supply contracts, and a promised Pacific north coast tanker ban were not enough, just last month, the BC Supreme Court ruled that the Province did not meet its duty to consult First Nations on Northern Gateway.
The addition of the 65,000 member BCGEU to a growing alliance of tar sands pipeline opponents sends an important message. Thank you BCGEU for standing in solidarity with the Yinka Dene Alliance and many others to finally put an end to the risky Enbridge Northern Gateway project. 

Geraldine Thomas-Flurer
Yinka Dene Alliance Coordinator

Hold the Wall